THC Prevents Organ Transplant Rejection in Rodents: Live from Chicago

On the first day of the 2009 ICRS meeting held near Chicago, IL, Dr. Nagarkatti presented exciting research that demonstrates THC can reduce organ donor rejection by reducing “Graft vs. Host Diseases.”

Even in HLA matched organ donors, at least 50% experience a severe immune response to the donated tissue. When this happens, inflammation occurs and patients begin wasting away. THC prevents weight loss and suppresses the immune response against the tissue.

Many people have been removed from organ recipient lists for using cannabis, even for instances where it was approved by a physician.  How morbidly ironic that our medical care system will deny a medical marijuana user  an organ they need to live, when THC may improve your chances of a maintaining your organ transplant. As cannabinoids gain acceptance into the clinic,  THC (or synthetic versions thereof) could become important for organ recipients.

Why are marijuana users kicked off of organ recipeint lists? well no one is really sure–probably something regarding the DEA and politics but definitely not science.

The full text is available for purchase through scientific literature websites.


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